Education for Educators

“Ensure the well-being of the person first, for it is only then that the true essence of teaching can flourish.”

Founder & Artistic Director, Circle O

Teaching Dance for Everybody

A training model for teachers who teach dance and wish to prioritize the inclusion of students across disabilities. This workshop not only supports teachers in expanding their own knowledge of students' different possible access needs, but also opens the possibilities which come from inviting different embodiments and perspectives into the classroom.

What can someone else’s difference teach you about the parts you were taught to suppress in order to “fit into” models that do not prioritize your care, connection, and liberation? How can you center those of us who can’t participate in those models, and by doing so reintegrate the excluded parts of yourself?


One day: $500 - $2,000

Up to a week: $2,000 - $5,000

2 weeks or more: $5,000 - $10,000

K-12 Education

Kayla introduces educators to practical practices intended to support students with disabilities, drawing upon her 12 years of experience as a full-time special education teacher in the New York City public school system. Centering experiences with students who are further marginalized by race, gender, and class, Kayla offers teaching models for children K-12 in subjects across the arts & humanities.


One day: $500 - $2,000

Up to a week: $2,000 - $5,000

2 weeks or more: $5,000 - $10,000

“As a beacon of compassion and empathy in the realm of special education, Kayla embodies the epitome of patience, kindness, and genuine care. Her pedagogical methodology is underscored by an unwavering commitment to prioritizing the humanity of each individual. Kayla's influence continues to illuminate my journey, her mentorship serving as a guiding light as I navigate the intricacies of the teaching profession."

NYCDOE Teaching Assistant